A Note from Advisory Teacher, Mr. Doten-Ferguson
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May 24, 2024

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope this letter finds you doing well and looking forward to summer. I want to take this time to first off congratulate all of our seniors! This has not been easy, what you had planned, or even what you could have imagined kind of school year. Great job sticking with it, and making it through the challenging times this year. Everyone here at HomeBRIDGE is extremely proud of your dedication, perseverance, grit, and motivation to make it through this year.

Next, I want to congratulate all of the parents who have been teaching, monitoring, communicating with HomeBRIDGE, and being an awesome parent to your kid(s). Thank you!

Also, I want to recognize the incredible staff here at HomeBRIDGE! We have made it to the end of this year holding our heads high in the face of adversity and being short-staffed.

I know we didn't meet everyone's expectations, and I'm truly sorry for that. We are projected to have more staff next year, and I'm very excited for this possibility. As of right now, all of our current staff will be here at the start of next school year. Teresa and Amber will be working in the office during the month of June, and Amber will be back with us in September.

Today is my last day, and I will be turning in my work computer at 2:55pm. I'll send out another email to everyone when I have access to communicate again in July. If you have not heard, I will also be out of the country for three weeks in June. If you need anything, please contact Teresa for clarifications or help with anything.

High schoolers and/or their parents who have submitted work to be counted as credit, I believe I am currently up to date with everyone. If you complete a course, please email myself and Teresa to make sure we can get it submitted in a timely manner.

If you are still thinking of enrolling in HomeBRIDGE, you can click on the link below and click the green "Enroll '24-'25" button at the bottom of the page and begin the process of enrolling your child(ren).


Once you enroll, I'll be going through everyone's ILPs in July. If you don't have one set up yet, don't worry. We can do that in July.

Thanks for a great year and have a great summer!

All the best,


Welcome to HomeBRIDGE!

HomeBRIDGE is open for registration for the 2024-2025 school year. The following steps provide important information for you as you navigate your way through the enrollment process.

1. READ the HomeBRIDGE Handbook! The first 15 pages will answer MOST of your questions. Some things may change slightly. We are currently updating our handbook for the upcoming school year. Check back for any new information.

2. Enroll with HomeBRIDGE using THIS link.

3. If you are NEW to the Juneau School District, you'll also need to complete the JSD registration forms. They are also found in the FORMS block.

4. Send those forms to HomeBRIDGE. Email is best. PDF format (NOT photos) preferably with ALL pages in one document.

Don't know how to scan and email with your smart phone? Search on YouTube for your phone type. It's easy and a useful skill to have.

Alternatively, you may fax the forms (523.1829) or drop them by the HomeBRIDGE office located in (yet to be finalized). You can also mail them but PLEASE note: our mailing address is NOT the same as our physical address. Our mailing address is the standard JSD mailing address.

5. HomeBRIDGE staff will email you confirmation of receipt for those forms and a HomeBRIDGE Advisory Teacher will be assigned to you and included on that email.

The advisory teacher will contact you about meeting to discuss your student's learning plan for the year. If you don't hear from us within a couple of days, please feel free to reach out.

6. Meetings with K-8 students will result in the creation of an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP). You can come to your meeting with a draft ILP already prepared or you can create one with your advisory teacher. Please have an idea as to what classes/subjects your student will be studying this year. If your student wants to take classes at their neighborhood school (one of the perks of HomeBRIDGE) you need to contact THAT school to get approval and sign up. The classes at the neighborhood schools are limited to 90 minutes per day for K-5 students and up to 2 classes for 6-8 students to still receive the full allotment or 3 classes with a 25% reduction of your allotment. Once your ILP is signed and on file, your allotment funds will be available for use. Please note that your students' ILP is a fluid document and can be amended throughout the year. What is on your ILP informs us as to what purchases are eligible for reimbursement.

7. Meetings with high school students will include their neighborhood counselor (in most cases) and will result in the completion of a High School Course form. It will outline what classes (if any, up to 2 for full allotment, 3 for 75% allotment) your student will take at their neighborhood high school and the courses being taken through HomeBRIDGE. Once we have that form your allotment funds are available for use.

8. Your job as parents is to support your student and be mindful of deadlines for submitting quarterly reports, grades and progress reports and reimbursements. In addition, staying informed of HomeBRIDGE news through our weekly newsletters is also helpful and aids in alleviating confusion about HomeBRIDGE happenings and deadlines.

Students who enroll by October 27 receive a full allotment:

$2,600 for grades K - 8 students

$3,000 for high school students

We look forward to having you be a part of the HomeBRIDGE family!